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Category: Respiratory System Diseases

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview

Unlike restrictive pulmonary diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) makes it harder for the individual to exhale air from the lungs thus resulting in shortness of breath. Individuals develop this condition because internal respiratory structures become damaged or narrowed resulting in air trapping within the lungs thus, requiring the individual to work harder to expire. COPD is the name of the condition that covers chronic bronchitis (recurring wet cough lasting for an extended period of 3 months for at least two years consecutively) and emphysema (damaged alveoli that become abnormally inflated due to weakened alveolar walls).

Restrictive pulmonary disease overview

Restrictive pulmonary disease overview

When a patient presents with a decreased lung capacity (diminished volume lungs can hold during inspiration) resulting from a decrease in lung tissue elasticity, they suffer from restrictive lung disease. Restrictive pulmonary illnesses represent about 1/5th of all pulmonary syndromes. The reduced lung capacity can be caused by a variety of chronic conditions we will be discussing in this article.